Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up!

We had a pretty good week here. Buster finished his 1 Cor. 13 copybook. We did some extra flash card practice for addition trying to get him to memorize all his facts. He found a show called Friends and Heroes on SkyAngel, and the kids enjoyed watching it. One episode was about Purim(which happens to be this weekend) the holiday interested Buster, so we read the book of Esther for school. We went to Wild Life Safari, and Buster was excited that they have an armidillo now. For Geography we started reading about Canada. My mom got us a book about it in Canada a couple years ago. We watched a bunch of olympics too. Buster read two more chapters of Frog and Toad, and would you rather be a BullFrog. We drew monkeys this week and started studying rodents. Buster had a basketball game today, and a shoot-a-thon. He made 13 baskets and was so excited. We also found some School House Rock on You Tube, and the kids loved them. Sweetpea is doing well with her ETC primer, and learning to count pretty high. She counted with me to 100 a couple times this week. She also really enjoys her CLP K nature reader, we read about a bunch of different animals. Buttercup likes to color, play with learning toys, look at books, etc. while we are doing school. I took Buddy to the dr. this week. He is almost 4 months old and weighs 13.5 lbs. He is starting to laugh and play a lot more, and has almost figured out rolling over. I need to remember to use my camera this week ;)
Check out for more weekly wrap ups

Friday, February 19, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up!

We just finished our 24th week of school, and here are some things we did.
Finished math lesson 106, and got 100% on his math test.
He is doing triple digit adding now. He is still relying to much on his fingers, so I taped them together on Friday and he got them all right without using fingers. He thought it was fun.
He learned about C's second sound and oi.
Made it to page 63 in ETC book 4.
We finished Mr. Poppers Penguins, and Buster read two chapters of Frog and Toad. He is reading so well now. We Drew Chimpanzees, and Buster copied 1 Cor. 13:7
Buster and Daddy read about Pilgrims, and finished the Primate chapter in Zoology 3.
Sweetpea is working in ETC primer C. We read chicka chicka 123, and had fun counting. She is loving her swimming class.
I'm getting excited about next year, and have been finding some curriculum already. I can't wait to post everything we will be doing. Two more weeks until our spring break, and we will be going to OMSI and the Oregon Zoo. The weather is getting really nice around here, so we will be starting our nature journals soon. I bought a couple of these off ebay last week for 5 dollars each My Nature Journal.
Check out for more weekly wrap ups.


Isn't he adorable! I can't believe how big he is getting :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up!

Well one more week down. This week Buster started reading Frog and Toad. He really enjoyed it and didn't even complain. Daddy and Buster started the Primate chapter, and read about St. Patrick for History. Buster made it about halfway through ETC book 4. He also had his first basketball game last Saturday. It was really fun to watch. Our little buddy decided to actually sleep on his own now and has been going to sleep around 11, and sleeping until 3-6 before he wakes.
Buster at skate church on Monday. He goes nearly every week.

Humpty Dumpty copywork

We went to Mops on Tuesday, and Buster painted this in his class.

Buttercup holding the cat.

Our little buddy having some tummy time

Practice before the game

Buddy is 12 weeks.

Be sure to visit for more weekly wrap ups

Buttercups Birthday

Here are the long awaited pictures from Buttercup's second birthday party!
Having a bath before the party. She loves bubbles.

Her Cake! (Yes my husband and I made it)

Buttercup waiting for singing.

Number 2 pinata.

She started crying when they sang. Poor girl ;(

Blowing her candles.

Fun with her gifts.

New Hat from auntie Shae.