Saturday, September 15, 2012

First day of School!

We started school Labor Day week, and so far it has gone amazingly well!
On the first day we gave the kids some fun cones filled with treats. It is a German tradition that I saw online and it sounded fun. Instead of making them I just bought large party hats from the Dollar Tree.

All of the kids waiting to see what's inside. Photobucket 
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 We decided to do nature walks on Friday's and my sister and cousin in-law joined us along with their kids.
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Summer Time!

I have done a terrible job of keeping this blog up to date over the Summer. We had a crazy busy Summer, I was sick, and for some reason my computer hates photobucket. Every time I use it I get kicked off the internet for like an hour. I was finally able to get some photos uploaded. I really didn't take that many over the Summer. I just wanted to give a quick photo run down of some of our Summer happenings before I start trying to do Weekly Wrap Ups again.

Buster turned 9 in July!
The Party Guests!
 He loves birds so this was his cake. It was our first time using modeling chocolate. Photobucket Photobucket 
 Sweetpea decided she could finally ride her bike! 
She has ridden for short spurts before without the training wheels but now she is unstoppable! 
We had a crazy week of VBS!
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 I helped out all week.
 We did some waterfall hiking!
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Buddy explored the moon!
We celebrated Daddy's birthday! 