Friday, November 11, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up!

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I have a birthday party coming up on Sunday and I really need to actually start getting ready for it! We were able to get pretty much all of our regular school work done, but I'm just going to show you pictures of some of the fun we had. Last Saturday I found this adorable coat for Buddy, and we took some pictures for his Airplane Birthday card!
My kids look adorable in a row, and soon they will be 2, 4, 6, 8!
We stuffed our OCC Shoeboxes on Tuesday!
On Tuesday night I didn't want to stop holding my beautiful 1 year old boy!
On Wednesday Buddy turned 2!
We had a cake, but his party will be Sunday.
Today my dad went with me and the kids to our Veteran's Day Parade! We also met up with my brother in law and his four kids, and my husband took a late lunch break so he could come for a bit too.
Watching the marching band!
Sitting with Papa!
They released a bunch of Orange balloons for the victims of Agent Orange.
After that my camera battery died! It was a great parade though and lasted about a hour and 22 minutes. It was to cloudy to see the flyover though.
Visit Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers to read more weekly Wrap Ups!

1 comment:

;-) said...

Love your pictures. :) Was hoping that Buddy would be able to see the flyover. Oh, well...