Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer School Plans!

We finished our school Year last Friday! Buster has completed all of Bigger Hearts, Sweetpea finished Beyond through unit 18, and Buttercup finished through unit 13 of Little Hands! We will not be starting our 2012-2013 School year until the last week of August. For the summer we will be using the following resources.
Buster and Sweetpea will both be using the Singapore Math extra practice book for the levels they completed. We are also doing a world geography study, and they each will be reading daily.

Sweetpea just started this stack of books last week with the Bible!
These are the books Buster is working through currently.
For Spanish they will be using some Spanish computer games we own. Summer school has gone really well this week and I'm trying to keep it short and fun. One way I came up with to make it more fun was to give us an extra theme for each day. Which go as follows:
Math Monday(we will be playing math games together as a group)
Tea Tuesday(Each Tuesday we plan to have a tea party for lunch and read poetry)
Word Wednesday(On this day we are doing fun things like Mad Libs, Grammar Rock, and Ruth Heller books)
Park Thursday(We plan to meet some friends at the park each Thursday and maybe do some nature study)
Fit Friday(I'm hoping to teach the kids some of those things you would normally learn in PE)
This week we had a special guest for Tea Tuesday!
My cousin is visiting for her brothers graduation and she joined us for tea. I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures of the tea party. It was very lovely.

Other than these school plans we hope to enjoy as much time outdoors as we can, enjoy family, and go crazy with all the parties and weddings. Buster is joining our local swim team for the summer and the girls will be continuing swimming lessons.


G said...

LOVE your summer schedule (and I may "borrow" it from you)!

Tiffany said...

I love your plan for the summer. I may need to incorporate these ideas into our days. Way to go on completing your year.

Unknown said...

We hope to see you at the park on Thursdays, once it stops raining, of course! :)