Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Buttercup is two!

Our little Buttercup is two today! We had a party for her on Sunday, and I will post pictures from that soon. I still can't believe my baby girl is two. It is so much fun to see her growing and changing every day. Her new favorite phrase is "what's in there" she has been asking me that about everything.

Here she is dancing to GodRocks while we made her cake.

My mom ordered Buttercup The Complete Book of Flower Fairies for her birthday. This is a book I've wanted to own since I was a kid. My dad always told us about his mom reading this to him when he was young. She had an original British copy from when she was a kid in England. These stories and poems are so sweet I'm sure even Charlotte Mason would love them. We will be adding it to our poetry readings


Faerylandmom said...

I'm jealous...I want that book!

;-) said...

Sey thinks your girly has good taste in TV shows. ;) The book looks cute.