Thursday Thirteen #9
Thirteen things from our trip:
1. After traveling to the northern Oregon coast we stopped at Fort Stevens. A nice lady took this picture for us we are sitting on a cannon:

2. My son had to bring his toy gun into the fort. The kids loved all the dark underground rooms.

3. Here is my
on top of one of the bunkers.

4. Too cute!

5. My hubby was holding both kids up in one of the look out towers:

6. My son behind bars:

7. The kids hanging in the fields.

8. Fort Stevens.

9. Cannon Beach:
My daughter yelling water when she saw the ocean:

I think this pic is really neat.

10. These were taken at a really fun park in Astoria:
My son on a boat.

My daughter and I up in the fake
Victorian home.

11. Carousel in the Seaside mall

12. Seaside beach:
They have swings on the beach, how fun is that.

My son admiring the water

13. Fort Clatsop (this is where Lewis and Clark spent the winter)
You have some very cute vacation pictures there :) I'm glad that you had a good time! The Pacific NW is a region I've always wanted to visit.
Happy Thursday!!
Oregon is so pretty. Happy TT.
Very cool pics...I like that one on the beach too of your hubby & the kids.
Love the pics. The beach one with the reflections is "way cool." I think I'm partial to it too. "Lucky" you to have a pic like that.
Great Pictures! Looks like you had a blast. Love ya,
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