Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day at the park!

It was really sunny and warm here this week, so we went to the park a few times. Here are some pics of the time I brought my camera. Sweetpea had a lot of fun riding her big wheel. Buster who can make friends anywhere found a little buddy who had a football. It was really cute watching them toss the ball around.


;-) said...

Looks like a blast! Wish we could have gone out. Been keeping the sickly girls inside. Sey is no longer feverish so that is nice. Mye has a mild form of it, but it and tummy trouble kept her up most of the night. sigh. Hope you have a super weekend! Maybe it will clear up!

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Quite the little football star you have there! And I love your little girl's bike. Julia has one too... aren't they so fun for them. (I remember mine when I was little.)