Week 11, and 12:
We are still here and plugging away at our lessons. I did not get a wrap up done last week because we have been so busy trying to finish up our house project before it starts to rain too much. Re-painting an old house is quite time consuming, but it will be worth it in the end. As far as school here is a run down of some things we have been doing the last two weeks:
Buster finished reading his George Washington book, Pioneer Bear, and started reading about Davy Crockett(which I find quite fascinating). For our read aloud we are reading Little House in the Big Woods one of my childhood favorites. Buster is really enjoying it and has been asking to read more Little House books. I think we will do a Little House study this summer before heading into Bigger Hearts. In Singapore math 2a we are leaning about Multiplication and Division, so far it is just an introduction to each concept before moving into memorizing 2's and 3's. Buster and I really enjoy our math time. Other than that we are really enjoying all the activities and reading in Beyond Little Hearts.
Sweetpea is hit and miss on her attitude about school, which I'd say is typical for a 4 year old. Some days she does really well and we get a lot of math and phonics done other days I just make sure to get to our Little Hearts reading time, and activities. I really like how Reading Made Easy is set up to do 3 lessons a week. For math we are keeping it fun. I try to do some kind of hands on lesson everyday, and then throw in a MEP maths lesson a few days a week. Sweetpea really amazes me at how well she does at math. I always thought she would be more of a reading person since she new her letters and sounds so young, but she is very mathematical as well. We are almost done with Reddy Fox, and have been reading about Jacob, and Moses the last few weeks.
Buttercup is having a lot of fun with her Little Reader program. I found it quite humorous that I was chosen to review that program, because I'm always making fun of baby reading programs. I don't think she's going to be a genius just yet, but she loves it.
Buddy, well he is almost 11 months old, and all boy. He loves to grab, tear, chew, and headbutt everything. He sometimes watches Little Reader for a couple of second, but he really could not care less about it. He is just so much fun, and almost walking.
Buster showing of his Tomahawk we made for review.
We are still here and plugging away at our lessons. I did not get a wrap up done last week because we have been so busy trying to finish up our house project before it starts to rain too much. Re-painting an old house is quite time consuming, but it will be worth it in the end. As far as school here is a run down of some things we have been doing the last two weeks:
Buster finished reading his George Washington book, Pioneer Bear, and started reading about Davy Crockett(which I find quite fascinating). For our read aloud we are reading Little House in the Big Woods one of my childhood favorites. Buster is really enjoying it and has been asking to read more Little House books. I think we will do a Little House study this summer before heading into Bigger Hearts. In Singapore math 2a we are leaning about Multiplication and Division, so far it is just an introduction to each concept before moving into memorizing 2's and 3's. Buster and I really enjoy our math time. Other than that we are really enjoying all the activities and reading in Beyond Little Hearts.
Sweetpea is hit and miss on her attitude about school, which I'd say is typical for a 4 year old. Some days she does really well and we get a lot of math and phonics done other days I just make sure to get to our Little Hearts reading time, and activities. I really like how Reading Made Easy is set up to do 3 lessons a week. For math we are keeping it fun. I try to do some kind of hands on lesson everyday, and then throw in a MEP maths lesson a few days a week. Sweetpea really amazes me at how well she does at math. I always thought she would be more of a reading person since she new her letters and sounds so young, but she is very mathematical as well. We are almost done with Reddy Fox, and have been reading about Jacob, and Moses the last few weeks.
Buttercup is having a lot of fun with her Little Reader program. I found it quite humorous that I was chosen to review that program, because I'm always making fun of baby reading programs. I don't think she's going to be a genius just yet, but she loves it.
Buddy, well he is almost 11 months old, and all boy. He loves to grab, tear, chew, and headbutt everything. He sometimes watches Little Reader for a couple of second, but he really could not care less about it. He is just so much fun, and almost walking.
Buster showing of his Tomahawk we made for review.

I like the tomahawk and the lego swords! You do a lot of reading, so nice to see! Good luck getting your house project done! I'm going to attempt to strip boarder and paint a good portion of the main floor this winter... not really looking forward to that and it's nothing compared to larger projects!
Love the Tomahawk face. :)
We are huge Davy Crockett fans. Actually my son is going to be Davy for Halloween.
Love the swords and tomahawks. I'm not messing around with YOUR family. :-p
Lego swords=very cool
Wow! They are the 3 Musketeers! Neat!
Love the "cube" swords. My boys {all 8 of them} make these almost daily!!!
Hugs from the NOrth,
P.S. I am so sorry we never had the chance to hang out--maybe next time :-)
Take care.
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